JCT Travelling Tips

Five story pagoda in Kyoto Street view in Shibuya, Tokyo Large crabs for sale at Kanazawa fish market Stone lantern outside temple in Kyoto

To help make our tours run smoothly and enjoyably for everyone we have a number of simple guidelines that reflect the style and type of tours that we run.  For the majority of people they are simple suggestions, basic courtesy and common sense.  These help make your trip and tour more enjoyable. 

We run small tours so are in close contact with our guests for the duration of the trip.  We will treat you with respect and politeness and we expect the same in return. That extends to any other guests people on the tour, interaction with the people we meet such as staff in hotels, restaurants, and stores.

Tour Itinerary:

Hotel rooms:

Compact Japanese bathroom standard twin beds

green tea making facilities single cup drip coffee


Luggage for two Single suitcase stand compact door hanging toilet bag


Wi-Fi and Internet:

Fitness level:

Medical issues and food:

Useful things to pack:
