JCT Useful Links

Vending machine Do not feed the birds or pokemon Street sculpture Enjoying a free Nagoya concert

The web has a good variety of resources available to see what Japan has to offer.  Some of these we use more than others, and often for a particular purpose such as train scheduling:

Japan-Guide.com - an extensive on-line resource for sightseeing in Japan  https://www.japan-guide.com

Patrick's Tripadvisor ratings for hotels across Japan https://JapanCustomTours#CITY_TILES

Wendy's Tripadvisor ratings for hotels across Japan https://JapanCustomToursNZ#CITY_TILES

Hyperdia - train timetables anywhere and anytime - indispensable http://www.hyperdia.com/en/

JTB Rail Passes - for current pricing https://www.jtbtravel.co.nz/jrpass/index.php

JapaniCan  - lots of information about places and things to see and do https://www.japanican.com/en/

Agoda - a useful accommodation search site https://www.agoda.com/